Lake Worth Beach Net Metering Program
The City of Lake Worth Beach Electric Utility (“City”) offers a Net Metering Program for Customer-Owned Renewable Generation Systems (“Program”). The primary goal of the Program is to promote the use of renewable generation installed at the Customer’s site to offset part or all of the Customer’s electric needs. Any excess energy generated by the Customer-Owned Renewable Generation System (“System”) and not used by the Customer can be delivered to the City’s electric system. Annually, the City will set by resolution all applicable Net Metering rates to be paid to Program participants including the rate(s) to be paid for the delivery of excess energy to the City’s system. All rates are subject to change.
Program Documents
Required Documents:
The following is a list of what is required to be submitted for approval for net metering interconnection with The City of Lake Worth Beach Electric Utility Grid:
DocuSign from Utility- Net Meter Program Application
DocuSign from Utility - Net Meter Program Interconnection Agreement
DocuSign from Utility - W-9 form
A signed copy of the contract between the property owner and the Contractor
A signed and sealed letterhead statement from a currently licensed Florida Professional Engineer attesting to the Address, DC size and annual KWH production of the system for the first 12 months.
Complete set of plans & specs for the proposed system (Not required if the system is to be permitted by the City of Lake Worth Beach Building Department)
Copy of the permit application (Not required if the system is to be permitted by the City of Lake Worth Beach Building Department)
Copy of the approved final inspections (Not required if the system is to be permitted by the City of Lake Worth Beach Building Department)
Water, Sewer, and Storm Services
The City’s Water Utilities Department provides potable drinking water, collection of wastewater and stormwater throughout the City and service areas